Thursday, October 26, 2017

Using AAAWWUBBIS in Complex Sentences.

Complex Sentences

Mr Marple is an school teacher.

Talk of the school, Mr Marple is an school teacher, who also is great with maths.

Mr Marple is an sporty person, who is also an teacher at frimley school.

The sun was shining.

Blinding my eyes, the sun shone like an million shining stars.

Clouds rose up in the sky, almost knocking the sun out of view, but.. It was still in sight peering around warming the landscape, on a wonderful summer's day.

She ran fast.

Everyone in the crowd was cheering, as she the tiger lady, ran like a flash of light then disappeared again.

She sprinted down the road, and just like that, she was gone.

After witnessing the horror of her friend being kidnapped, she ran for her life zooming through the streets.



The waves crashed on the rocks.

Salt emerged from the foamy water and waves dissolved on the rocks with an “crash!”.

Crashing waves sloped down the sandy beach, and smashed down on the rocks.
The rain dripped down.

Showers of halle dripped down from the sky.

Falling sadly, the rain dripped down with a little pitter patter.

Snow littered the ground.

Fluffy clouds of snow littered the ground in an very, peaceful manner.

As soft as sheep's wool, sweet snow littered the ground.



The clouds drifted across the sky.

While the rain was out and the sky was bright again, clouds made of cotton candy strolled across the sky.

As white as snow,clouds drifted across the sky.

A lot of people went to the show on friday.

When I was warming my pony fern up I realized that there were an awful lot of people scattered everywhere at the show last friday.

Since there was a lot of competitors at the show last friday, there was a fair amount of competition.

The roller flattened the stones on the astroturf.

After dawn rollers flattened sharp stones on the astroturf.



Dad ran to the shop.

Although it was raining, Dad ran to the supermarket.

Because they had ran out of food,Dad  sprinted to the supermarket.

Mum walked the dog.

Since she needed some exercise, Mum walked the dog down the road.

Before dinner,Mum walked the dog.

Sally baked a birthday cake.

While everyone was playing Sally,the teacher baked a birthday cake.

As the guests were celebrating, Sally baked a birthday cake.

Because the birthday cake burned,Sally baked a new one.



The car raced around the corner.

Before the crash happened, number 2 zoomed round the corner with a sharp turn.

After the race started, the commentators were going crazy as gizbersin,tander,and mcglothlen raced round the corner.

Sam made coffee.

Since he hadn’t gotten much sleep the night before, Sam made a cup of coffee.


Laurel sang a beautiful song.

Although she was nervous,Laurel sang a pretty tune and the crowd went wild.

Because she felt like it, Laurel sang a pretty tune.

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