Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Amiras Story Rewrite

Amiras story rewrite
Bombs dropping everywhere, blood, cuts tumbling down the people in Syria. Kaboom! Missiles from fighter jets were being launched from the air. “AHH!” Silence was not possible in this terrible war. Roofs were blown off people’s houses. “We should get outta here” my friend Willow said. “Ture” I tried to say but my words got lost in the wind.
“This way!”,”I think there's an underground escape route for attacks and stuff” she yelled as loud as she could.”Ok” the words finally came out. They found an escape route and went through it quickly. Once they were far away they stopped running,”I can’t believe we're in a sewer!” mouned  Willow. Muddy water splashed up their legs as they walked slowly in need of food and water “I think we might need to drink this yucky water” I said quietly. “It’s a big risk Amira we could get sick and die from it” Willow warned me but it was too late I had already taken a sip of the water and suddenly felt sick.”Why did I do that?” I asked sadly there was a hint of light not to far away “,I think the end of the tunnel is close” I said “yes very close” yelled Willow.

Everything was quiet no sounds of constant bombs blasting all over the place and even the birds were not chirping their happy song,just the silent humming of me and Willow in our small ditch in the ground just lying there looking at the sky. Once they had gotten out of the tunnel bombs went everywhere and they ran as fast as they could when soon enough fell into a flat screen T.V sized hole,and there they lay panting and gasping for air then everything went black and disappeared.

-Yawn- I woke up in something that looked like a hospital Willow was sitting beside me along with some of my friends and family like my mother, my friends:Alia,Willow,Ally,Miami,and Paris they were just standing there staring at me with worried faces. “Mother!” I yelled loudly “I missed you so much” “me too” replied mum. “The war is over” Paris bravely said “Thank god!” I cheered. Everyone was so happy it was a beautiful day the sun was shining,birds were chirping, and it seemed almost as if there were a happy christmas cheer.”Where are we?” I asked “oh where are we? We are in new zealand” Mum said “What! How did we get here?” I kept asking questions finally they answered.”Well...Willow came back and called for help then while helping us escape and then we saw a plane we waved our hand in the call for help it then landed and transported us to new  zealand we are going to the refugee camp tomorrow” Ally said kindly.

“Where's my book!” I shouted in a big panic “it's over here Amira!” my friends all shouted,they were giggling “what are you up to?” I asked suspiciously.”Catch!” Alia said to me “opps I got it first!” called Miami after playing a game of catch they finally gave me the book. “Time to go to the refugee camp” I yelled happily “lets go” mum said, everyone climbed into the bus that was pulled up beside the hospital they drove off into the early morning light. By the time they got to the refugee camp it was almost lunch time and we were extremely hungry. “Is there a canteen here?” Willow asked “yes there is young lady” a tall man wearing a worker's outfit of some sort answered her question. Later on in the years they were well off and happy again living in the refugee camp of New Zealand.

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