Thursday, September 28, 2017


 Written by Maia Van Den Berk
                               (Real date is 11.9.10)
I heard it, the sweet sound of Abba singing Dancing Queen. It shot in my ears like a bullet being fired from a shotgun.
Then at that moment I knew I wanted to become the Dancing Queen.

Remembering the tune in my head while grabbing one of the hula skirts hanging on the hook I pulled it on. This new sense of energy ran through my veins.
I was very hyper and started to dance, then started to sing along to the lyrics. I sang, and I sang, and I sang.
“And when you get the chance, you are the Dancing Queen on the scene over the tambourine yeah yeah,
you will dance you will die,having the time of your life,
see that girl watch that scene diggin the Dancing Queen, (Aaaaaaa) digging the Dancing Queen! (Aaaaaa).” While the song was playing I danced in a very crazy manner. Doing pirouettes and jumping up in the air, I was all over the place.

The song finished with a repeating ending, still echoing in my ears. Dancing Queen was stuck in my head alright but it was still my favourite song though.
“Pack up time!” shouted the teacher cheerfully. Everyone started to pack up and were fumbling around eagerly.
I put the hula skirt away on the wooden hook and felt the smooth wood on my fingertips. “Looks great everyone now time to go home, see you tomorrow!” Rachel, one of the teachers, yelled out but everyone had already gone.

“Hi mummy!” I blurted out, “Hello sweetie,” she replied with a grin. We went home and I told mum about my day, then fell into a deep sleep.

This is only a faint memory and I don’t remember it much so it's not quite that long.

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