Thursday, April 12, 2018

The great Tiger shark Tiger

Dave dived deep into the great moana and gilded around gracefully.
He came across an shark.  Thee spotty creature was consuming an crayfish.
It saw the diver and started swimming that way

Dave smelt of fish from his lunch, and looked pretty tasty too.
“here now you big tiger shark, I just wanna be your friend.”
The shark snorted and, terrified,swam away.
He had seen the process before and did not want to die Not today he didn’t.

But the human was reckless and started following him,eventually changing position under his belly.
Now, the owner of sea life museum will like these photographs of you,big guy.”
The diver said as he snapped a few pictures of his underbody,mostly of his belly. Some ma hukarere onepu flew up in an cloud of du-
st as Tiger swam away very presto, but the diver was too quick for him and suddenly threw an sharp object. It shot through the bubbles that spread around the ocean,and the sharp knife pierced through the sharks fins,and that was the end, Dave had patu Tiger, the great shark.
He Was dead.

Aspect 2
Aspect 3

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